If you have taken a step towards IT contracting, you will find yourself faced with determining which business structure will work best for you. It’s common […]
Instead of going through the process of setting up their own limited company, self-employed contractors have the option to work via an umbrella company. However, choosing […]
Correctly titled Intermediaries legislation, the government introduced IR35 back in April 2000. It was introduces as a way of handling a growing problem known as disguised […]
Are you looking to improve your understanding of the costs associated with an umbrella company? Naturally, all contractors should understand the costs, the reasons for them, […]
IR35 is designed to help identify the difference between a legitimate business and that of a disguised employee. This tax legislation is aimed at personal service […]
The work that contractors carry out can be categorised in several ways. One way of achieving this is to identify the differences between work in the […]